Bolt Action: US Army Starter Army

Regular price $175.00 1 in stock
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    One of the best-equipped armies in the world at the time, the Americans took on, and beat, their German, Italian and Japanese adversaries.

    This boxed set contains a great starting point for a force of US Army troops in uniforms ideal for service in the Mediterranean, Italy, or North West Europe between 1941 and 1945. This starter force has all bases covered - firepower, boots on the ground and speed - providing the perfect core for your GI army. Check your weapons and load up with ammo. America has joined the fight against the Axis - send the boys in!


    • 36x Multi-pose US Army Infantry (plastic)
    • 1x M3A1 Half-track (plastic)
    • 1x US Army 105mm Artillery (metal)
    • 1x US Army MMG Team (metal)
    • 1x US Army Medium Mortar Team (metal)
    • 1x M4 Sherman Medium Tank (plastic)

        - $175.00

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